Monday 3 September 2018

Walkathon: Walk and Run for Your Good Health

Running is a basic ingredient for your health, just as much as eating and sleeping, but going out for a run by yourself and taking a moment to think also creates a certain peace.

@Phil Knight

Due to the advancement of modern technologies, we have restricted our body movement by automation technologies; the machine does our work, from breakfast to car driving, from office lift to so-called ergonomically design office chair. We are running away from our good health, let me remind you, a human body is not a result of technology advancement, it is a pure natural and god gifted non-automated system. Therefore don’t mesh the artificial things with our natural body, preserve this most precious wealth in a natural way, if somehow, health degradation takes place, you will face bankruptcy in all dimension very soon. Remember money cannot fill the gap between the huge loss of good health, so the choice is yours, which is primary good health or temporary wealth?

Recently I have added one new habit into my life portfolio so I would like to share with you. My new habit is "Evening Run and Walk", normally I follow the alternate days during evening time and try to cover the new route from my origin, and covered distance ranges from 5KM to 15.07KM. My latest highest distance covered is 15.07 km; normally I follow the different initial exit path and return path to enjoy the diverse scene, it helps me keep away from a bore and observe new people and places. 
If you regularly go to the Gym, it’s great. But running is better than the gym (Click here). There are numerous reasons, anyone can acquire this habit in their life, it is very easy, no need for any specific trainer, pieces of equipment. You can run anywhere and anytime. Just start run, Newton’s inertia law helps you to keep running, whether the morning or evening time depending as per your schedule or office timing; you will realize the amazing benefits of the walkathon. Running boosts mood and improves blood cycle in our body, and each time running is not the same as the previous one, you feel the different experiences.

Decide the tracks in more natural and less congested areas, especially outer of metro cities or having less traffic. When you commute through different areas, you see different people, diverse homes, new localities, new roads, some time you find the beautiful lane or small river, as I did during my running. I never knew such a beautiful place is there, just a 4KM distance from my office location. Running it is vital for your better health. How much money you have earned? You feel always less as per your modified requirements, therefore whatever hectic schedule you have, please don’t give an excuse or other reasons for not to run, it does not matter if there is a will you find a way. Let’s run for your health benefits and active mood, if you have a good health, then only you can attain your dreams. Whatever time you invest for a run, it will certainly give you highest returns on your investments.

Therefore, whatever you do, find one hour time regularly or alternate days to walk and run for your health investments. At least please stay out one hour from your box apartment or office and go to open greenery area and take a long breath, you will feel the mesmerizing moments in your life, which is motivated and supported by natural beings, observe the sunrise or sunset; you will see the heaven on the earth, certainly you will feel great and active in all ways. I use the google fit app to track my steps, you can do that or use any other apps to track your daily records if possible share the experiences you will feel on Twitter (tag @kalyan_online and hashtag #walkathon), it will help you to keep motivated to doing so.

Life is full of up and down, at present whatever situations you have, keep your health well and enjoy the roller costar journey of LIFE with good health.

Keep Running, Be Healthy, Keep Smiling...!


Kalyan Acharjya

1 comment:

  1. Simply Awesome. Very informative as well as motivating.
